Avoiding GMOs? Meditation? Phone detox? What do our interviewees do to keep their bodies and minds up and moving in tip top shape? We asked them.
Jack, who moved from China to Cambodia in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic:
Since lockdown last February, I’ve lost 50 pounds mostly by avoiding carbs and sugars. My blood pressure is better and I’m eating a more plant-based diet. I’m hoping to run a marathon this year—I know, hope isn’t going to do it—so I’ve started a training regime.
Pamela Ellis, who survived an ectopic pregnancy:
I’ve changed my diet to include more healthy options and started my exercise routine back up. I wear a mask as recommended if I do go out and I avoid crowds. Hand sanitizer is my new best friend. I’m also taking more time for my mental and emotional health. Increasing self-care and self-love practices.
Caren Robinson, who survived a major traffic accident:
I eat as naturally as I am able to. I focus on foods that are non-GMO. I utilize supplements, Homeopathics, Medical Acupuncture, and self-pacing to take care of myself. I don’t drink anything with artificial sweeteners or caffeine. I don’t use illegal substances or opioids. I say “no” more often and set healthy boundaries for my social involvement (even the time with my family). I embrace things that help me control myself better (aromatherapy, meditation, pool therapy, moist heat, listen to music, etc). I use an electric cart at the store on bad days and walk on good days. I make a habit of going to places that I know where the bathroom is, where groups are smaller, and have seating that is comfortable for me.
Tiffani “Oling” Lim, esports professional:
I’ve picked up yoga last year, that’s the only way I’ve been able to maintain a minimal form of exercise since the beginning of 2020. And I believe that having a balanced diet is key.
Jessica, who has Crohn’s Disease:
I am on 3 strict diets, I am in a weight loss program, I use a meditation app called Insight Timer daily, I make sure to still stay connected to family and friends.
Dr Bob Rich, author of many books:
Last September, I had my 12th opportunity to die (if you like a laugh, you can read the story here), so had to build up again. I went for a bike ride this morning, and am still puffing from it. This is around a 3.8 km circuit. I can do 1 lap far faster than previously, and 6 laps 3 minutes faster. Today, I did 7 laps, 5 minutes slower than my previous best, when I used to do 8, so still need to increase endurance. I also do power exercises, and with all but two, have improved on last year. Small steps take you a long way.
The second thing is meditation every day. It feels good, tunes up the immune and digestive systems, and helps to heal injury or illness.
The third thing is what they say about computers: “Garbage in, garbage out.” So, I do my best to avoid eating garbage. That’s easy because I am married to a champion cook who LOVES to produce things of beauty on a plate.
Choo Bin Yong, game designer who runs solo:
I do some regular short jogs once a week with some home exercises. Also been staying away from using my phone too much.
Joan, a minimalist:
I make sure I have my 2-3 servings of fruit and veg daily. I also do a short work out in the mornings to get my blood pumping before my mind wakes up. To end the day, I have a “shut down” routine to keep work out of my personal life.
Sy, founder of LUCK-IT:
I have a weekly routine that gets me slightly more than the recommended amount of exercise, sunlight and sleep. I also eat unprocessed vegetarian meals whenever possible.
The Amateur Trader, self-employed occasional trader:
Nothing special actually.
What about you? What do you do to keep healthy? Tell us in the comment box below and we’ll add it to the list.
More questions for you to answer in The Wisdom of Crowds series here.
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