Exactly 365 days after interview #1 went live and what do we have here?


Exactly 365 days after interview #1 went live and what do we have here? 

25K unique visitors in total

1-4.8K monthly visitors 

(last month we had 1.7K)

828 subscribers

11.5K impressions on Google

27 first pages on Google

Hardly “influencer” status yet by definition of the experts but hey, how many other places can you go to to get 1700 people reading your thoughts every month? 😉

Credit goes to…

Everyone we’ve interviewed in the past year, who’s put in precious time and mind-space towards discussing highly personal experiences.

Everyone who’s ever shared or liked or made use of any of the comment boxes on any of LUCK-IT’s platforms (I’m talking about you Ameet Kothari, Warriortan, drjurisharma, Florence Ezekafor, ST, Bob Rich, jennspoint, Susan Koh, Lawrence Chai Chuanze and all the other repeat ‘likers’ of our interviews, you know who you are 😀 ).

And also Kauai, our new interviewee, who recently came onboard to do interviews in Chinese for our COVID-19 Diaries series.

Thank you very very much for being a part of our very first year in cyberspace, and may we continue to have many meaningful conversations together in the years to come! 🙂

Next Friday onwards, we will resume our regular interviews with people with all sorts of experiences. We will also work towards compiling two series over the course of the year:
The Wisdom Of Old Age (about what life is like at every age) and The Exes (a series about how various peoples have quit all sorts of habits and lifestyles), amongst other topics. 

As always, if you want to share your stories and add your perspectives to our online collection (and get a link back to your website while at it), remember you can do so at any time here.

In the meantime, just for today, we just wanted to interrupt our regular programming to say… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY LUCK-IT!!! We’re so so proud of you!!!

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3 Comments on “LUCK-IT IS ONE!”

  1. 828 subscribers! The funny thing is that I am not even a little bit surprised that you’ve picked up that many followers so fast. You go girl!

  2. P.S. At least I have always thought of the site admin as a lady. In case I am wrong about that, I did not mean any harm or to offend anyone.

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