Tag: asia

COVID-19 Diaries: The Situation In Beijing, 133 Days In

When the novel coronavirus outbreak in China first began, we interviewed Thomas who had been put under lockdown in Beijing and found him to be calm. Now that almost 2 months have passed and the numbers of reported COVID-19 cases in China appear to be falling, we had another chat with him, hoping for light at the end of the tunnel, but were surprised to find him a tad less calm than before.

COVID-19 Diaries: The Situation In Hong Kong, 96 Days In

Juliana, who we interviewed last year for getting through 4 years of topical steroid withdrawal, is a sales and operations executive living in Hong Kong with 2 family members and 3 dogs, 919km away from Wuhan. She told us how the COVID-19 epidemic caused her to lose her primary source of income and explained why

COVID-19 Diaries: What It’s Like Being In Quarantine In Changwon, South Korea, 92 Days In

Mira from Wales, United Kingdom began a teaching position in Changwon, South Korea 3 months ago. She is presently under self-quarantine in her apartment together with her partner because of the COVID-19 outbreak in Changwon, 1433km away from Wuhan, and they have been asked to continue to self-quarantine until further notice. She told us what that feels like.