W.F. from Hong Kong moved to London almost a year ago for a job, only to find herself having to deal with the coronavirus pandemic away from her family when it struck. We asked her what that feels like.
“Prince Charles and PM Boris Johnson caught COVID-19, but I don’t think people are in fear.”Q: How panicked are the people in the UK now?
A: The situation in the UK now (April) is a bit similar to the situation in China in January. The government announced a nationwide lockdown in late March. People stayed at home and piled up food during the lockdown. There were less people taking the train while social distance was practiced. However, less than 5% of the people here are wearing masks. Prince Charles and PM Boris Johnson caught COVID-19, but I don’t think people are in fear.
A lot of immigrants living in the UK went back to their countries after the PM announced the UK’s “herd immunity” strategy. As a foreign work pass holder, do you plan to go back to your country?
I don’t plan to go back at this moment. I rather follow the government guideline: to stay at home (share rent with flatmates) during the lockdown. I am not specifically afraid of the herd immunity thing.
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You seem to be fearless and strong. Have you ever felt weak or afraid during the lockdown?
I really miss my family in Hong Kong and want to have dinner together. The last time I went back to Hong Kong, my sister was not there, so I only saw my parents. Now I really don’t know when all of us can have dinner together.
If you did contract COVID-19, what do you think your odds of surviving it are and why do you think so?
50%. Because I think I have a strong immune system but I had asthma when I was young. So I am categorised into the group with a slightly high risk of contracting the virus I guess.
What will you do if you or those who live with you develop symptoms of the virus? What do the authorities of the UK want you to do?
I will keep social distance with people who develop symptoms of virus and I will provide assistance if I am able to. UK wants people who develop symptoms of virus to stay at home, and they advise that if the symptoms are getting serious, they need to call the NHS [National Health Service].

How did most people in the UK contract COVID-19? Can you tell us about the biggest clusters and how those happened?
I think because of social activity. I don’t know the details of how it happened.
How do you think Boris Johnson and Prince Charles contracted COVID-19?
I have no idea. When you are a human being, you have social activity. It is possible for anyone to get COVID-19.
What will you be doing over the next year?
Hopefully COVID-19 is gone and everything is back to normal next year. This will only happen if people practice social distancing and take it seriously. I am not sure how long will I stay in London, I may or may not extend the work permit.
More in our COVID-19 Diaries series here.
If you’re in a country that has been affected by the novel coronavirus and would like to share information about the situation where you’re at, do get in touch with us here.
Photographs courtesy and copyright of W.F. Interviewer: Kauai
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