Ting is an immigrant from Asia who moved to New York City a few years ago. She tells us what it’s like living with the New York Governor’s Stay-At-Home order while the numbers of COVID-19 infected in New York—12,033km away from Wuhan, China—keeps growing.
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“The so-called New York lockdown is not exactly like the Wuhan lockdown (way less strict).”Q: When did you first hear about the COVID-19 novel coronavirus and how did you respond at first?
A: Back in December 2019 or early Jan 2020. We did nothing at first because it seemed so far from us…
There are around 50K cases in New York at the moment. If things get worse, what will you do to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19?
We have basically been working from home in the past 2 weeks in accordance with the New York governor’s executive order and did not go out unless it was absolutely necessary (e.g. getting groceries once or twice a week). Our fridge is always full, there won’t be a problem if we are not able to refill food for 2 weeks. Whenever we have to leave our apartment, we wear a mask. I have stocked up 160 masks so I think it is fine.
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The number of novel coronavirus infections in the United States is growing significantly (US’s 123,578 vs China’s 81,439 at the point of this interview), but Donald Trump wants to “reopen the economy by Easter”. Do you think he can make that happen? Will you leave the United States if an executive order to reopen things is invoked in April?
I think it is unrealistic. At least in New York City. But I am not leaving the States even if they try to reopen things to boost the economy in April.
![A less busy New York. People can go out when necessary.](https://i0.wp.com/luck-it.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/124b-1.jpg?resize=828%2C1270&ssl=1)
The news said President Trump was considering an “enforceable quarantine” in New York. What did you prepare with regards to this?
I heard this but I simply ignored what he said as he is being bipolar every now and then, you never know what is in his mind.
Who do you trust more to save New York: Donald Trump or Andrew Cuomo? Do you think the current measures taken in New York State are good enough?
Cuomo for sure. All non-essential businesses need to close now(e.g. shopping malls, salons, gyms, cinemas), but public transport is still running. The so-called New York lockdown is not exactly like the Wuhan lockdown (way less strict). I think the current measures are ok but it seems more enforcement is needed.
The US government aims to provide free testing for COVID-19 but their plans have not yet included the cost of treatment. How do you feel about that?
Luckily I have insurance plans that cover me and my family…
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Do you think discrimination against Asian peoples has been getting worse because of COVID-19? As an Asian living in New York City, do you think it safe at the moment?
I personally do not feel that and still feel safe at the moment, probably because I am living in a neighbourhood with a significant Asian population (>25%).
Tomorrow, we’ll chat with a mother in South Africa whose child has been diagnosed with pneumonia but cannot get tested for COVID-19. Follow the latest in our COVID-19 Diaries series here.
If you’re in a country that has been affected by the novel coronavirus and would like to share information about the situation where you’re at, do get in touch with us here.
Photographs courtesy and copyright of Ting. Interviewer: Kauai
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