Exactly 31 days ago, we started our COVID-19 series documenting the development of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China. At that time, 37,251 people in China were known to be infected and 812 had died. There was only 1 death outside of China, in the Philippines.
Singapore (from which LUCK-IT operates) was the country with the second highest number of infections outside of China: 40 in total, of which 19 were local transmissions.
Thailand and South Korea were next with 32 and 27 confirmed cases respectively. Then came Japan with 26 confirmed cases and Malaysia with 17.
The Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Japan was the location with the second highest number of confirmed cases outside of China: 64 in total.
Across the ocean, there were 14 known cases in Germany (none of which were locally transmitted), 12 cases in the United States (of which 2 were locally transmitted) 11 cases in France (of which 6 were locally transmitted) and 3 cases in Italy (all of which were imported from China). There were no known cases in Iran.
In total, there were only 24 countries affected by 2019-nCoV. Only a few countries were denying entry to visitors with travel history to Mainland China.
Just 31 days later, there are now around 80,904 people in China known to be infected, around 3123 of which have died. Outside of China, there are now more than 686 deaths, mostly in Italy, Iran, South Korea and France.
Singapore, despite having more than doubled the number of confirmed cases since (150 confirmed in total), is now way down the list of countries outside of China with the most number of cases (ranked 16th).
South Korea is the country outside China with the most number of confirmed cases (7382), followed by Italy (7375) and Iran (6566). France (1116) and Germany (1112) are 4th and 5th. And the United States has now 213 cases (ranked 12th).
On the Diamond Princess, there ended up being 696 confirmed cases in total.
Now that 104 countries have been affected by the novel coronavirus, there are multiple countries denying entry to visitors from Mainland China, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Thailand, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Malaysia, Vietnam, USA, UAE, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
Some (Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, Tajikistan) have even gone as far as to ban all visitors from countries with confirmed cases of COVID-19. Others ban those who have been on the ‘Diamond Princess’ cruise ship. North Korea has banned all tourists.
On a positive note, within China the number of new coronavirus cases and deaths have been falling in recent days. Just yesterday, it had only 19 new coronavirus infections and enjoyed a 3rd straight day of having no new locally transmitted cases outside of Hubei province. In fact, China itself has now also imposed mandatory quarantine measures for visitors from Iran, South Korea, Italy and Japan as well.
How will the situation be 31 days later, 50 days later or 100 days later? What will be of the economy now that stock markets around the world have gone into free fall and businesses are reporting dramatic drops in customer demand?
Nobody can tell.
We just have to keep washing our hands while waiting to see.
Follow the latest in our COVID-19 Diaries series here.
If you’re in a country that has been affected by the novel coronavirus and would like to share information about the situation where you’re at, do get in touch with us here.
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Image Source: World Health Organization. Compiler: Sy
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